"Forget those overpaid young men who chase bags of wind around in the rain, an Ashes series is on the horizon. What better time to look back at the history of the summer game? The first episode of a four-part series focuses on cricket’s development in England."
Oh, and in case you were interested in the programme:
Empire Of Cricket
Sunday 31 May, 10.30pm, BBC Two
Further details here
EDIT: BBC iPlayer
- Episode One England: A look at how the English invented cricket and exported it to the wider British Empire.
- Episode Two West Indies: The story of the development of cricket in the West Indies.
(includes an interview with Michael Holding - he of that quote)
- Episode Three Australia: How Australia got the best cricket team in the world.
(and 'The Boy From Bowral')
- Episode Four India: The Indian game, from the sport of the English colonisers to the Indian Premier League.
All available until:
Sunday 28th June 2009
I've finally managed to watch all four episodes, and would like to congratulate the BBC for a job well done.